

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing and shopping experiences on our website, show you personalized content and targeted ads, analyse our website traffic, and understand where our visitors are coming from.

At your discretion, you may choose to accept or decline our cookies, although blocking certain cookies may impact our ability to provide, deliver or improve some of our services to you on the website. To learn more about how and for what purposes Studio Ayte Fashion Designing uses personal information (such as purchase order history), please visit our Privacy Policy.


Cookies are small text files that, like most other web servers, we place on your device that you use to access our website. This is done to recognize your device during a session or in your future visits to our website, thus, enabling us to facilitate a better user experience. Certain features on our website are only available using cookies collected by the user.

Please check the following section which provides an overview of the type of Cookies that can be used on our platform:

  • Strictly necessary/technical cookies are used by us to allow the user to browse a website, platform, or app, and use the various options or services available on it. Such cookies are downloaded by default when they are needed to display the platform or provide the service requested by the user.

  • Session/operational cookies pertain to a particular browsing session i.e. it remains active only as long as a browsing session lasts. We use this cookie to link the actions of a user during a browser session, assist with website navigation and allow access to secure parts of the web page when logged in.

We use marketing cookies for the advertisement of products and services that may be of interest to you, which are identified based on the user activities on our official platform(s).